A Chaotic Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs, Dippy Eggs, and Porridge Delights

Good morning
and welcome to another breakfast time in our beautiful chaos.
Right, for breakfast today,
I’m gonna have. What are you having today?
I’m having some scrambled eggs.
Would you like some scrambled eggs?
Yes, please. Yes.
It’s 1,000,000,000% scrambled.
What’s scrambled egg on toast?
Um, can I just have it normal size?
Of course you can. Of course you can.
Dotty is having triple chocolate crunch.
Of course you can have a pouch and then. What?
A pouch is the whole but wild.
So that
bread that’s toasted, buttered and then cut into strips.
They’re called soldiers. To go with the dippy egg.
Oh, so it’s like.
So, it’s.
So. It’s like
they’re gonna go in. Gonna go into the gate.
Yes. And then Colby dips them into the dressing closet
and then each one, honey.
Right, you.
You’re not having dippy eggs?
No, you would just like.
Did I say that? Triple,
triple chocolate crunch. That’s the last of the box.
Do you have a spoonies? Do what?
Clever girl. That’s the last of it.
What? I know.
There you go, sweetheart.
You sit on the side, then.
Enjoy that.
We’re also on the batteries.
Oh, what?
The little chocolate curls.
Look, my little batteries.
They do. Right,
we’re doing a. We’re doing teas.
Dotty would like a cup of tea to go with her biscuits.
Chris is having a cup of tea.
Colby is gonna have some dippy eggs.
And soldiers going in with the dippy Eggs into the water.
So we’re gonna go one,
two. Eggs are in
and it’s six, so I need them to come out in six minutes,
which would make that 22.
Six minutes. Is that too long? Five minutes.
The eggs are cooked,
so now I’m just going to butter the bread for Colby.
Butter it like this? Yeah.
Gonna cut it into little soldiers like this.
Soldiers at the ready.
I can’t find the egg cups,
so I’m just gonna use Renly’s.
I’m gonna use Renli’s, um,
formula pots. You know,
the ones you put the formula in to go out with for the day.
Right, let’s.
Let’s test.
Test the egg. Okay,
it does fit. I thought it wasn’t gonna fit.
Right, I need a spoon to take off the.
Take off the top. Bang the top.
Peel it off. Have I overdone the eggs?
That is the question.
Have I overdone the eggs? Have I overdone the eggs?
Please, please don’t tell me I’ve overdone the eggs.
Right, let’s take some of the shell off. Remove Shelly,
remove chalet. Right,
let’s take the tip. Let’s take the tip off.
try dump one in. So you can see
I’ve only gone and done a perfect dippy bloody egg.
Yes, I have.
Yes, I have.
They’re very wobbly. There is Colby’s dippy eggs.
your dippy eggies are ready, darling.
There you go. I’ve taken the.
I’ve taken the top off one of them.
I have just tested The egg is okay,
and I dipped it. I want to Chris’s scrambled eggs.
So I just sprayed the pan.
I’m gonna pop the eggs in.
Do you want four eggs? Yeah, yeah.
So put the eggs into the pan.
I put them in, I move the white bit around,
and then I don’t crack the yolk until the very end,
so then it gives, like,
soft yogi bits rather than it all being rubbery.
I don’t think I’m explaining that very well,
but Chris’s eggs are going.
I’m just gonna give them a quick mixy mix.
I’m gonna do Renley’s breakfast.
So he is having the summer fruits porridge from Heinz.
So I just pop a little bit into the bowl again,
I’ve pumped out the water.
I was gonna give him Weetabix,
cause I had half left over from yesterday.
But when I come back from doing his breakfast,
giving it to him, there was a fly on it.
So that went in the bin because
there was fly shit on it. But anywho.
So this is Renly’s little breakfast.
What a life.
I’m gonna butter Chris’s bread,
which has just come out of the toaster.
This is the scrambled egg.
I don’t know if I’ll be able to explain.
So you get, like,
big bits of, like,
yogi bits.
Can you see that? Like, big.
I don’t know how to explain it,
but then, anywho,
that’s how I do. That’s how I do my scrambled eggs.
I Don’t know if Chris prefers his scrambled eggs or my scrambled eggs,
but food is food and we’ll take it however it comes.
Right, there is Chris’s.
I’m gonna put some joint salt and pepper.
Yes, please.
Yes, please.
Bit of PPR on there.
Lovely chubbly bit of salty salt.
A bit of salt on salt on there.
And there is Chris’s scrambled eggs on toast for breakfast.
Here is Renly’s porridge. It did just sit for a minute,
so I’m just gonna put a little bit more water in it to loosen it,
loosen it up. But there is his.
There is his little porridge.
It does have. It does have more lumps in it,
but you go off of your baby,
you know, whatever you think they can do,
they can handle. Um.
And, yeah,
there’s his porridge. So I’m gonna go and feed him his porridge
and then I’m gonna have my breakfast.
Maybe I’ll come back and show you then
my breakfast. I have just got a protein Warburton’s seeded bagel
and a tub of mango and passion fruit
Summer Edition pop from Tesco.
I get lots of questions as to whether or not we eat together
as a family, and truth be told,
no, we don’t.
I tend to feed everybody else and then I eat last.
So everybody’s eaten, the baby’s eaten,
and now I’m eating by myself with use.
Down the edge, up yours.
Happy Friday. It’s your weekend.
Yes, it is.