Jet-Set Skincare Routine: A Uniquely Cozy Airport Beauty Ritual

It has been a long time since I had to sit on a bag to get on a plane.
Why yes, I am strolling through LAX and soft blue cozies.
Very demure, very mindful.
Okay, I constantly see people filming these get unready with me
videos on planes, and while I was deeply anxious to do it
because obviously other people could see me,
I always love watching them.
And it was late, I figured why not.
Hand sanitizer and makeup wipes are a must.
Most definitely. Before
the hands I use to eat chicken tacos for dinner are all over my face
applying serums. Okay,
there she is in all her glory.
The coveted toiletry ziploc bag.
She is relatable, she is trustworthy.
We love her. She is a staple.
I sped this up really fast
so you guys didn’t have to sit through a full 10 minute video.
So here I am applying a mystery serum to start
making sure to get all the important areas
while passengers still file in and admire my red eye
jammies and ziplock. Is it coverage at 30,000 feet?
For some reason
the altitude makes me feel like the products will work better.
Is that just me? Is it science?
Who knows?
I definitely stocked up at the French pharmacy during the Olympics.
Also completely unrelated,
but until 6 years ago
I would still wear jeans on all my flight deodorant.
We shan’t forget this one.
Also from France. Love him sometimes
It just takes dying all your hair red
for you to take your hair health very seriously.
Okay, this concludes the shed,
as I like to call it. No makeup,
clean face, enough skincare for a week.
And is it just me, or are all planes always freezing?
So here I paired my I love Alona Mayor
Rugby inspired long sleeve over my pajamas.
And now it’s time for Advil PM. Good night.