Brooks Footwear: My Shoe Collection Review

For those of you don’t know that,
you should by now. I’m a Brooks girly.
I stand by Brooks Footwear.
It’s all I wear. It’s so comfortable.
So I wanted to show you guys what shoes I wear for Brooks
and what I use them for. And, yes,
I’m filming this in my kitchen because the lighting is good here.
Okay, starting up first,
we have the levitates, which
these are the shoes that really got me into Brooks in the first place.
I saw my physical therapist wearing them,
and I was like, I need to have those shoes.
She sent me the link, and I bought one pair,
and then I bought another pair like,
two weeks afterwards. I love these.
I use these for everything.
So these are my whatever is happening shoe.
I’m wearing them. I’ve worn these through louse.
I’ve worn these on runs. I’ve worn these lifting everything.
These are my go to. Next up we have the glycerin,
which are my hot girl walk shoe.
Uh, my sister has these as well,
and she absolutely loves them.
So much comfort. You can walk for miles in these,
and I think they’re pretty cute.
These are the adrenalin’s.
I wear these on my long runs while I’m hitting the pavement,
getting miles in. These are new ones,
but I’m gonna break them in soon.
Last but not least, I got these recently from Brooke.
Sent them to me. Uh,
they’re the accelerates, and, uh,
I’ve gotten so many compliments on these shoes,
mostly because this is, like,
all 3D printed. Look how cool that is.
So whenever I wear it, like,
my teammates, everybody compliments me.
Uh, and these have become kind of my,
I guess, cool tour shoe when I’m,
you know, in the gym,
working with the teammates,
or even just try to look like a cool fit babe.
So what I’m trying to say is,
go get yourself a pair of Brooks