Signs You May Need to Rethink Your Friendships: A Wake-Up Call

So they’re your friends, but they have a whole group chat without you.
How do we tell you? They’re your friend,
but their friends don’t like you.
They’re your friend,
but they’re quick to tell their friends all of your business.
They only talk about themselves.
They critique things you do that don’t need to be critique.
Something good could be happening in your life
and you really wanna tell them,
but you have like this deep,
deep inner feeling or knowing that you shouldn’t tell them.
It’s like you intuitively know that it’s not safe
and that you’re gonna be open to judgment
or like jealous energy. They question instead of compliment men.
For example, let’s say I got new shoes.
Let’s say something like, oh,
you got new shoes? Instead of saying I love your shoes,
let’s all say it together.
How do we tell you? No?
But genuinely,
you might wanna start rethinking who you’re calling your friend
cause we don’t wanna have to tell you.