Finding Success in Content Creation: Tips for Staying True to Yourself and Providing Value

If you’re doing content, the hardest part is right when you’re starting.
But I had a friend who. She ended up quitting content for, like,
a month. And I was talking to her and I was like, yo, like,
you know, she’s like,
I don’t want to do this anymore.
I’m like, that’s.
That’s. No,
I don’t wanna do this anymore.
And I was like, that’s fine.
Take breaks. You know,
creating is not something we’re supposed to be fully into
and treat like a job. It’s really an inspirational thing. Right?
Anyways, and so she ended up taking a break,
then she came back to it, and now she’s having tons of success online,
but now she’s good. But sometimes you have to take breaks.
The important thing is not to stop.
And if you don’t care about anyone else’s timeline
and you only have your own timeline,
you can do that and not be freaked out about it.
And then content will actually flow to you better
because you’re not stressing about
making sure you’re posting every day.
It’s a fun fact. Just keep going.
Keep doing it for a while.
Eventually it’ll break through.
Eventually things will start to make sense.
People always ask like, oh,
what do I post? The best things to post are things that are true to you,
value, and then value that you can give to other people.
So usually that’s something that you’re really good at
and something that you really Care about a cross section
and then just talking about that.
So if it’s like pottery, then, like,
teach people how to do pottery, or, like,
name pottery places near you that people can go to.
You know what I mean? Or things that you’ve Learned in pottery,
or show how you do pottery,
whatever. You know,
like, there’s tons of ideas and everything,
every single thing.
Just make sure it’s at that cross section of what you love
and what you’re good at and what you’re knowledgeable on,
and then you can share it,
help other people. It’s really effective.