Unlocking Success on TikTok: The Power of Solution-Driven Content

how smart you think you are
the only thing people care about on tiktok
in order for you to grow and to monetize on here
is if they can get something from you
period point blank
and so people get this confused
because they think that creating
valuable type of content is important
or education based content is important
because they’re giving people information
when in all actuality no one really cares about those things
cause some of the things that you’re telling people
they can just Google themselves
like why the fuck did they need to watch
your 3:17 min video
when they can just google it in 2 seconds
what people really want is solution driven content
not educational content
they are very different
educational content is information
just sharing with people a bunch of information
about something that you know
again i can google that
i don’t really need to watch a 10 min video
on the other hand solution driven content
is content that is focused and centered on a specific solution
meaning someone can watch your video
it can figure out what the problem is
what the solution is
and what they need to do to fix their
problem and implement it right away
and this can be for any niche
people who wanna learn how to contour their face
people who wanna figure out how to plunge their toilet
people who wanna start six figure businesses on social media
you name it it’s possible
and above all else it’s not just about creating
solution driven content either
it’s about creating solution driven content
on topics and things that are relevant
that people need kinda like the person
who goes to dinner parties
and overshares their life story for two hours
when you could really just sum that up in 30s
yeah that’s just extra information that no one cares about
if instead we were having a conversation about
how to close more clients
and i was walking you through the exact steps
on how you can close more clients from social media
i’m sure if i’m speaking for 2 minutes
20 minutes or 2 hours
you’d be locked in the whole time
because it’s a massive problem that a lot of people are trying to figure out
don’t just talk to hear yourself talk
talk about things people need
and if you can’t do that then get off this platform
just kidding
no i’m not
love you and you’re welcome as always