Meeting People Where They Are: Pete Buttigieg’s Message on Fox News

I’m Pete Buttigieg, and you might recognize me from Fox News.
I never thought that I would be a, uh,
Fox News frequent flyer, just so you know,
that was not on my bingo card to where my career would go,
if you’d ask me even a few years ago.
But the reason I do it is because I think it’s important,
as your question suggested,
to meet people where they are
and recognize that
I can’t be mad at somebody for not embracing our message
if they’ve literally never heard it.
because I know a lot of folks who watch Fox News and count on Fox News.
I know a lot of people in law enforcement who watch Fox News,
and I wanna make sure they have
at least heard about the fact that violent crime went down
after Donald Trump got beat
and are invited to reflect on the fact
that Donald Trump is asking them to vote for a convicted felon
over a prosecutor. You know, people,
I always visualize people who I know,
who I disagree with and who I like,
who are just maybe tuning in.
I don’t think they’re gonna see me on Fox for five minutes
and see the light and suddenly become Liberal Democrats.
Uh, but I know that we’re having a healthier conversation
if they’ve at least heard what somebody like me has to say.