DIY Treats for Santa Placemat: A Festive Sublimation Experiment

So today I’m gonna try and make a treats for Santa board on this,
which I think is actually technically a placemat,
but it’s about a full size,
probably just a little bit smaller.
And it’s just the perfect size, really, for,
like, the glass cup to sit on
and there. Obviously it wouldn’t be a banana.
Side note, look at the size of this banana.
But yeah, just for the little treats for Santa,
it’s perfect size to fit that on.
So I’m gonna try and do that.
I have a design that I used last year
on a slightly different board that I had,
but I thought, why
I’ve got this, why not try it on this one?
So this is the design that I did last year.
I’ve just cut it completely the same.
The only thing I’m not sure about is the ones that I do usually,
I like a wood effect. So you’ve got
like that in the background.
Where is this? I think it’s just white,
so I’m not sure if it’ll be too white
and it’ll need a bit more colour on it.
But for now, I’m gonna try this one and see how it goes.
Again, we’ve got the white here,
which white doesn’t print in sublimation.
It will just print as, like,
negative space, if you know what I mean.
So I’m not sure how it’s gonna work,
but we’ll give it a go. Now,
I took this straight from off The heat press
and popped it under a weight
just to make sure that it didn’t warp
because obviously it is wood.
I’m not sure if it would have done
but just to double check. So now it’s time to peel it back
and I have no idea whether it is actually works.
Wow, that has worked so well!
They are stunning! The colours are unbelievable.
Wow. If you were thinking of ordering these placemats for any reason
then I would definitely recommend
cause the colours have worked absolutely perfectly.
Like the reds are so bright.
Obviously the backgrounds white
so I don’t know if I need to change that next time.
Mix it up and maybe do a coloured background,
but that has worked really well!