The Tale of How I Broke My Olympic Medal: A Humorous Journey

So, as many of you know,
I got carried away with the celebratory actions and I got myself sick.
So I have some soup here and some English muffin.
Also, if you jam the butter like,
you’re a psychopath. Go like that.
I thought it was finally time to tell you the long awaited question.
How did I break my medal?
How did I get the world’s most expensive coaster?
So anyway, your medal,
it has a little string on it, obviously,
and in here, I don’t know if you guys can see,
but, like,
there was a bar that was holding the ribbon onto my neck.
Obviously, you guys all saw me swinging the thing around.
I’ll insert the video now.
Ironically, that’s not how it broke.
I’m sure it didn’t help, but that’s not how it broke.
So I was swinging around, it was on,
it was fine. And then we were dancing.
I think we were playing strut, actually.
No, we weren’t.
I don’t know what we’re playing.
Okay, I can’t remember that.
But I had it on my shoulder,
like a little purse. And I was just jumping, dancing,
jumping. And I jumped down and it just fell off.
So everybody was dancing,
and I was roaming around trying to get my metal off the ground.
It has a dent now, so it’s more.
It’s definitely one of a kind.
And the little bar is gone.
So I don’t know what happened.
The bar got Loose, and it fell out.
Like I said, probably swinging around didn’t help,
but I just think that they should have made these better.
They should have made them more sturdy.
And honestly, I can’t be faulted for that.
So I don’t know if I’m gonna get it fixed.
Um, we are waiting to hear from the IOC, um,
the Olympic Committee.
They said I could probably get one.
I had to prove to them that it was,
in fact, damaged.
Um, but now we’re just, like,
waiting to see. If not.
Honestly, I think it’s a cool, funny story.
I have an Olympic medal.
That’s the story.