Pushing Forward: A Message of Support and Encouragement

What’s up, y’all?
I just want to talk to you for a second.
Hope you’re having a good morning.
Somebody came on my timeline or my DM or whatever,
and I was pushing the show, right,
promoting it. And they was like,
alright already?
And that shit made me so sad.
And it was a black person,
and I read it like twice from another black person
and it made me so sad. And I don’t listen to that.
I don’t listen to people. But I do listen to people, if.
If that makes sense or whatever.
It’s like, listen to me, y’all.
And for those that feel that way and don’t say nothing,
just hear me out.
We have to push whatever it is that we have.
Because first of all, we ain’t getting the support from our own
and ain’t nobody else gonna do anything for us.
So we have to push that thing.
When it came to our show, our show was out for a year and a half
and nobody was really checking for it like that.
For the people that did see it,
they was like, oh man,
this is something special.
So for Netflix to share a platform and let us put our show on there
and this shit go,
it’s like, yo,
we gotta push that thing.
We ain’t just sitting back pretty and trying to act all like,
ha ha, there you go.
And here we. Nah, nah,
we gotta push that Thing. We ain’t got no billboards,
we ain’t got no publicists pushing it.
Don’t. We ain’t got nothing.
It’s been word of mouth and people loving it
that got that thing to No. 4,
No. 1 for a non Netflix produced show.
Only thing that was in front of us was three Netflix produced shows
and then it was us. We was the only one on there.
Number four. We went to number four
by word of mouth and people loving the show and us pushing that thing.
So when we’re pushing that thing and people going alright already,
that’s, that’s,
that’s terrible to feel. Okay,
words mean something. And I would love the support of everybody
that can support and help push that thing.
That’s all that it was about.
It’s about. You can’t be mad at me for pushing that thing
if I post all goddamn day about it.
You can’t be mad because we have nothing else,
no one else pushing it. So why be mad at me?
Why not help me? You get what I mean?
Help us. That’s what I’m saying.
I did. I said something I.
I used the wrong verbage a few months ago
saying popcorn, uh,
talking about a clip I did.
10,000 people came and told me how fucked up I was for saying the word
popcorn. And I know what it mean.
And I know what it mean. And they,
they was all there for that.
None of them showed Up when it came to support and push.
Not one of them people that told me about me saying the word popcorn
and none of them around. So I have to push. I have to push.
You can’t listen to these social media people.
They are terrible. They only want nonsense.
That’s all they believe in.
And they don’t help push a lot of what we got going on.
So we have to push this. So don’t be mad at me for pushing constantly.
And if you ain’t helping, get out the way. God damn it!
Hi. I’m sorry, Lord,
uh, thank you for your guidance today, Lord.
no, but for real though, y’all,
for real, let’s.
Let’s do better, y’all,
let’s do better. Alright?
Don’t come in my comments talking about alright already.
And you ain’t helping to push.
Help push. I’ll push yours, you help push mine.
If you got 10 dots separate,
10 whole dots separate, right?
There’s no power in that. If you connect all 10 dots,
can’t nothing get through?
And everything runs through those 10 dots.
That’s the strength of power.
Have a good day.