Panic at LAX: A Race Against Time and Missing ID

I’m at LAX, and I’m panicking.
I need your help. I left my ID at home.
I don’t know what to do. My flight leaves in 45 minutes,
and we just drove an hour and a half to get here.
I swear to god, I packed it.
I’m actually really freaking out and thinking
I left it on the top of my car.
My wallet, I cannot find it.
We went, and we went to get our tickets,
and I started looking for my wallet,
and I couldn’t find it. The guy was like,
you better go try to find it.
So I’ve been in my car for about 35 minutes.
It’s not here. Like,
I have destroyed this car.
And I’m over here just, like,
googling, like,
will they take debit cards?
Will they take anything? Will they take anything that has my name on it?
I think I’m screwed. I am honest to god, panicking.
Lauren is currently waiting and trying to get our bags back
to see if I accidentally packed my wallet in there.
I literally have no idea what I’m doing,
and I. I am panicking.
Like, we bought tickets to make.
It’s not so scary tomorrow.
And when I tell you I have destroyed this car, like, 10 times,
I told Lauren, I said,
get in, get, like, go.
You get on the plane, you go,
and I will figure it out. Because obviously,
California to Florida is not a realistic drive.
So I Don’t know what I’m gonna do.
I don’t know, I,
I don’t know. I’m, like,
kind of panicking. So if you’ve ever been in the situation,
please let me know if, like,
will they take other forms of ID?
I, I have my debit cards,
I have my work badge.
I literally packed every identifying thing in the car.
Let me make sure I have. I just got to check this car one more time.
Here’s me to go beg and plead
and try to figure out what we’re gonna do.