Real Estate Mentorship Opportunity with Anthony Nucci: A Call for Serious and Committed Individuals

Guys, my name is Anthony Nucci.
I’m a licensed real estate agent in two states here in the country,
Michigan and Florida. Been able to crush it here
in the most competitive market we’ve seen in decades.
I’ve taught hundreds of agents how to do exactly what I’ve been doing.
And right now, more than ever,
I’m looking for three to five people
that are super serious and committed,
that want mentorship from me.
If you think you have what it takes,
and this is gonna be 7 days a week,
this isn’t gonna get rich quick.
If you think you have what it takes,
you are 100% serious and committed.
Fill out this application somewhere in this video.
It’ll take you 30 seconds.
It’s completely free. We’ll reach out to you,
see if you’re a good fit, and you might be working right alongside me.