Unexpected Surprises: A Story of Love, Loss, and Bee Stings

This is sad, and I didn’t want to tell you guys.
This is horrible.
I don’t even want to talk about this right now,
but I have to. I’ve got to tell somebody.
It’s like if I don’t say it and then I don’t talk about it,
it’s just gonna keep on getting me down and it’s gonna take me away.
My mom and my dad never prepared me for this. They were told,
listen to me. I really gotta tell you guys what happened to me
and. What.
Why did you say my name? And I look down the road,
and I see the dog running towards me.
And when the dog got to me,
stepped on a bee. No, seriously, I don’t know why
I felt the need to tell you guys that,
but the dog really did step on a beat.
It just reminded me of. Of a certain video.
Listen, if nobody told you today,
they love you. I love you.
No one told you today. You’re beautiful.
You’re beautiful. Have a wonderful day
and keep an eye on your dog out there.