Misconceptions about Americans and a Geography Quiz

Why do Americans have such a bad rap in the world?
They’re a bit misunderstood.
A lot of them are uneducated.
They’re not aware because they’re so far away of things.
But the people honestly are really kind.
Ask them what the capital of Africa is,
and then you’ll know why Americans are misunderstood.
Give me a general knowledge quiz.
Come on, brother.
Of African countries. Ivory Coast, Senegal.
South Africa. Nigeria.
Let’s even go Kenya. Let’s go. Eswatini.
Somalia. Capital Somalia is.
Oh, man,
this is tough. Damn it.
You got me. What is it?
Makadi she. Makadi she.
God darn. Australia.
Australia is Canberra. Put the country on my back.
New Zealand. I forgot.
I’m typical American. You got me.
You got me. Everyone forgets New Zealand.
Oh, no,
it’s Wellington. I think it’s Auckland or Christchurch.
It’s Wellington. Oh, okay. Yeah,
fair enough. Me,
they try to get me. Thank you, guys.