Musical Guessing Game: Unveiling the 1994 Hit with 206 Million Views

Do you know this song? It was released in 1994,
and it has 206 million views on YouTube.
Let’s start with the drum and bass.
I don’t know yet.
Um. Okay,
now for the synth and strings.
I don’t know. I don’t know.
Okay, now for the piano.
It does say very hard.
And now for the backing vocals.

I hope this would tell me what it was.
I don’t know.
And lastly, for The Voice cover.
It doesn’t even sound familiar to me.
I don’t. I don’t know what it is.
Um. It is very hard.
Does anyone know what it is?
Boys to men. Make love to you. Um.
I will sleep with you. I will show affection to you.
I’ll make love to you. Boys to men. And it was
well done if you got it.