Everything Under the Sun: A Song of Roots and Inspiration

I’m gonna give you a little backstory about this song.
So the song is called Everything Under the sun,
and it’s the first song I ever wrote.
I wrote it back in Eufaula, Oklahoma.
I was working over there with my pops.
We got a construction business called Charles General Construction.
Metal or wood, we do it good.
Ain’t that right, pops?
Yes, sir.
But I was working. Working over there.
And after I get off work,
I sit on the front porch of our little lake trailer
that we got going over there,
and I’ll just pick him. I’ll just start picking in the granite,
playing Tyler Shields, Zach Ryan,
anything that came to mind.
I was like, damn,
no playing all these other songs.
I might as well write my own.
So I wrote this song called Everything Under the sun,
and i’mma play it for you.
Goes a little something like this.
But I guess what she was