Reframing Objections: How to Respond to I can get it done cheaper with someone else

If someone says I can get it done cheaper with someone else,
how do I actually respond to that objection?
Do you know what they mean by that?
No. Yeah,
you’re gonna find out what they mean by that.
So you might need to say oh
cheaper somewhere else. Cause they could go 10 different ways.
So let me give you an example.
Let’s say that you’re selling windows.
I could say, so is the cheapest price,
like the cheap windows the most important thing to you?
We’re actually putting the XYZ model in
so it actually lowers your utility bills in the summer.
See, what did I do?
I’m reframing their way of thinking
from price or cost based thinking to the best result based thinking.
It drops your utility cost like 20 or 30% a month.
See, now it’s hard for them to come back and say no,
I just want the cheap. Like,
well no, I want the window that’s gonna be
so how would your utility bills go down
if we just put in the cheap window?
Now why would I ask a how to question?
Gets them to think like, oh yeah,
how could I do that? There’s actually no way I could do that.
So that reframes their way of thinking.
So first of all you want to clarify,
find out what they mean by that and then you know how to address it.
That’s what I would do for sure.