Crafting Your Reel: A Step-By-Step Guide to Showcasing Your Talent on Camera

putting yourself on tape now
while you are looking for work and doing background gigs here and there
going to class whatever it may be
start building your real I mean by that is either record yourself
or go to a professional to record you reading scenes and looking good
um I used to go to a guy who would help me record myself tapes
and he had this whole setup with great cameras and lighting and sound backdrop
everything and it looked great
so good that I even put some of those auditions in my reel
and would send that to casting directors when they asked for uh
you know work or something to show
recording yourself helps people get an idea of how you act and look on camera
it’s like the equivalent of painting canvases or recording demos
making clothing samples you know
you gotta get people something to work with
they have to see what you can do and the best way to do that
so do it yourself um
get comfortable
maybe have someone read with you so that you’re not just talking to the void
uh that helps
and choose scenes that kinda fit this
the roles you wanna go for that fit the way you wanna play certain characters
who you wanna play you wanna play a bad boy
you wanna play the a boy next door
you wanna play the girl next
or whatever it is period piece
do something that shows a range
maybe one that’s angry one that’s sad comedy
um I don’t know
play character put makeup on
dress up who knows
you can do anything you want
but it just has to show your talent
okay so think of it as building your resume
it goes along with your resume