Collaborative Guitar Jam: Finding Harmony in Solo vs. Rhythm

Hey, man,
how are you doing, huh?
How are you? I’m doing good.
Can you stop playing for a second?
Let’s play that song we were working on.
Oh, yeah, let’s work on that song.
Can you stop playing solo?
I thought we wanted to play the song.
Well, what should I do?
I’m a guitar player. I always play guitar.
Yeah, but I’m a guitar player too.
Yeah, but you play rhythm.
I play the solos. Look,
wait for your solo. It’s always my time.
There he goes again. Okay,
so let’s play the song. Okay.
Why do you always have to play solo?
My bad. I was just thinking of the solo.
So let’s play the song.
Look, we start with the solo part.
Oh, that’s a great idea.
Okay. One, two.
Let me count in. One, two,
three, four.