Ticket Price Breakdown: Is Paying a 2,000% Upcharge Worth It to See Your Favorite Artist Live in Fall 2024?

would you pay a 2,000% upcharge to see your favorite artist live
I’m here to tell you why coming to my tour in this fall of 2024
could be the best financial decision you make all year
per the ticketing website Game Time
the medium price of an usher ticket in 2023 was $403
now if we compare that to my upcoming tour
where the medium price is about $17
we could do some quick math
see that’s just over a 2,000% increase
2,270.59 to be exact now before you get mad
let me clarify I understand that usher is a generational artist
and he’s much more popular than I am
but is the concert experience really 2,000% better
I mean you’re paying $403
and you might not even get close enough to see usher
without the help of an LED screen
and showing him on camera
now for $17
you can get close enough to the stage to untie my shoe if you really wanted to
and with enough confidence
you could probably get backstage at about 90% of the shows
please don’t do that by the way
but ticket prices aren’t the whole picture
are they so let’s have a little look at merch
the last time I saw Rex Orange County
his hoodies were selling for about $90 actually
90 to be exact if we compare that to my hoodies
they’re coming at 40 so if we do the same quick math
we can see that that is an increase of 125%
now this one’s even more fishy in my opinion
like yes
his music may be better at everything
but the merch really
do you think it’s hundred and twenty five percent better
I think my merch is pretty alright
if I do say so myself life truly is a numbers game
and it’s really all about coming out ahead
and if everything goes right
it’ll only be a few short years before I can charge
agree just ticket prices and rip you all off in the same way
I really think the way that you should be looking at this
is that an opportunity to get in on the ground floor
by buying tickets to my upcoming fall tour
you’re basically just saying that
you got to see him before the 2,000% price hike
the good old days
to come on out and experience the good old days before they’re gone forever