The Incredible Achievement: A Functional Computer Inside the Game Terraria

This guy made a computer inside a game.
You shouldn’t be impressed
because I spent 600 hours and five months making a poncho.
You should be impressed because it’s running on a computer
that is itself running inside of the game Terraria.
Last year a video from Youtuber from scratch went viral
where he documented exactly
how he managed to create a 32 bit computer
to run within the game.
He used Terraria’s wiring system to create gates
with acts similarly to how circuits work in a real computer.
And from there he was able to build everything he wanted.
When the input triggers, it checks the first day.
If that’s activated,
then it triggers the next gate which checks the other state.
Finally, if both are on,
then the second gate emits a signal and the door opens.
You know who has the control unit?
Alu registers memory. This is mind blowing.
Obviously this isn’t new. We’ve seen various games run in Minecraft
but Terraria is another level of dedication.
Now let’s see doom run on this bad boy.