A Day in the Life: Coffee, Crepes, Swim Lessons, and Home Renovations

Wesley, sit.
Stay. Good boy.
Sit. Sit,
Cooper, sit.
Wesley said I. Good boy, mom. I sat right away.
Jump scare
decided to be extra lazy this morning
and I got our coffee and breakfast from LGO.
Coffee is secured. Taste test
tell it’s gonna be good by the color.
Oh, yeah,
that’s delicious. That’s gonna hit the spot.
Mommy just left the house so you can open the gate.
These are Trig’s favorite pancakes.
Basically like crepes. They call them French pancakes there,
but they’re definitely crepes.
I don’t know. Are those French?
These shorts, this little T-shirt.
Never really been a fan of barrel like jeans,
cause I feel like they don’t look good on me.
Love a good pair of overalls.
And I’m gonna try that. I love my bow legs.
You really like that? I do. I love it.
Good job, baby.
Monkey arms.
Trig is absolutely killing it in his swim lesson.
Also, you guys,
pumpkins are quite literally thriving.
Remember the beans I planted between the corn and stuff?
They’re already sprouting,
which makes me so happy. I’m inside the house.
All of our cabinets have been fully prep to be painted.
So that’s the next step. And then putting the new doors on.
So I really wish you guys could see it better,
but there’s no lights. But the.
This is our Jack and Jill.
And all the flooring is done.
So decided for the vanity in here that we think we’re gonna Thrift,
like, a vintage dresser
and add our own top to it.
it will give the bathroom, like,
so much more character. Should we go get a swig?
Cause you did so good. We gotta go get some pepper.