Tee Time Troubles: A Golfer’s Solo Journey on the Fairway

When you love something, you want your spouse to come do it with you.
So we go play golf. Tea times are very specific.
Our tea time is 1:56 and we’re driving to the first tea.
It’s 1:55. She goes,
I need to go to the bathroom and get something to drink.
I tell her, that is too bad.
I said, we tee off in 15 seconds.
And she said, I thought it was too wish.
I go, well,
you made that up on your own.
She says, I’m still gonna go.
And I was like, alright, whatever.
I’m not trying to start a fight before we get going.
So I get out of the golf cart and I grab my driver and one golf ball.
And I was like, go do whatever you gotta go do.
But I need to tee off, so we’re on time.
So I’m gonna tee off.
And just meet me in the Fairway for my second shot.
I tee off. It’s a good shot,
goes in the Fairway, not a big deal.
A lot of people do that.
I tee off, then play four holes alone with my driver.