Unconditional Love: Lessons from Our Canine Companions

your dog doesn’t care how much money you make
they don’t care how many likes you got
they don’t care if you’ve lost or gained weight
your dog gets excited when you do
even if they don’t understand what you’re excited about
they forgive you when you step on their foot
or get them outside later than you should
they are not embarrassed when you fail
you are still their hero
your dog doesn’t want much from you
just for you to throw their old raggedy toy
or let them sleep in the bed with you
just to be with you really
each day when you come home
your dog jumps for joy
they never forget
it’s not a guarantee
why is that so hard for people to remember
how do they make unconditional love look so easy
what would the world be like if we loved each other
the way our dogs love us