Proudly Overcoming Tour Jitters: A Comedic Journey on the Road

hi guys
I’m just hopping on here to say that um
I am not gone like
to the airport on tour myself in decades
and I know I’m being such a baby about it
but like
so my chair manager is gonna meet me there
which is great and it’s
everything’s to be fine I just have to get to Boston
but like
if you could have seen I think I packed everything five
like sides of everything
it’s ridiculous I
I’m only going for three shots
I have Connecticut tomorrow night
and then I have pizza on Saturday night
two shows and so um oh here’s
oh yeah
I’m not kidding about the service dog thing
I bring at least one dog per
like at the tour
and this time I have Maggie
and she’s gonna save me and make things all better
but isn’t it funny how like
you guys it’s been so long
decades that I just got my butt up and
you know finished packing and did the stuff and got the doggy stuff ready and
you know um
there’s a couple friends stayed at my house
and so they were helping out of the goodness of their hearts
but I just wanna say and I know I talk about my age a lot
I can’t believe I used to do this all the time
like when I was in my thirties
I was like
on a TV show during the week
and then going on the road on the weekends and then filming specials
and then my life on the deal has happened
and then we would film some of the stand up
and then sometimes I’d be like okay
off camera gotta go gig
and so yes
I admit over the years I’ve like
forgotten how to just pack like a normal person and all that stuff
and I feel like telling myself to calm down
I’m just laughing at myself
I’m laughing at myself I know my hair looks crazy
and people get mad when I have curly hair
but I do um
so yes
I’m wearing my Parker Sports High School T-shirt
cause that’s where I went to school
and hello Illinois
go Huskies I don’t know
it’s not like I was with the sports crowd
anyway um
I just thought you guys would enjoy what a big baby I’m being
how difficult I find this to be um
for my gaze and that’s spelled G a y
Z Z then how dare you let your queen go through this
um I say that with love and respect
so anyway I’ll keep you guys posted as
as I go but in the meantime
I’m just so proud of myself that I
got out of the house and maybe impossibly functioning
but the shows are gonna be great