Corruption and Injustice: The Plight of Ghana and the Call for a Savior

Ghana has too much money.
Ghana has so much to waste.
Our country’s legal system can jail you up to 10 years
for stealing food.
But the same system can watch on as people in the G F.
A, the Ghana Football Association
misappropriate funds in millions of dollars.
Do you call that justice ladies and gentlemen,
when pensioners monies are held up for lack of funding
and yet others are stealing from the country in millions?
Do you know what Nanado would have said
if he were in opposition right now
concerning these issues?
He would have talked about investigations
and prosecutions and confiscations
and he would have been right.
But the same man is comfortably watching on
as these things are done to Ghana.
Somebody make this make sense to me.
How do you spend $50 million on food
within 18 days on a handful of athletes?
How is that even possible?
How do you tell Ghanaians
you’ve made 3 million dollars payment to the broadcasting company
in charge of transmission?
Meanwhile, the company comes out to say it only received 105,000 U.
S. Dollars.
Who is lying here, ladies and gentlemen?
I thought create,
loot and share were tagged to the previous administration.
But ladies and gentlemen, this government shows us everyday what create,
loot and share really mean.
I feel so sorry for you
who is arguing in favour of this administration.
I can understand those who have been paid to do so.
They have sold their conscience.
I can understand that. I get that part.
But for you,
the ordinary party person who never benefited from this loot,
and yet
you are so passionate about maintaining the current administration,
I feel really sorry for you.
If you can hear it,
you know how loud the country is crying for its citizens.
Ghana is bleeding for its life,
desperately looking for a saviour.
We need a kind of saviour
who is ruthless enough to send the culprits to the firing squad.
We need a saviour
who won’t hold back from confiscating everything they own,
from their homes to their businesses,
to their bank accounts, to their families properties.
I’m telling you, I dislike J. J.
Rollins for many things I thought he did wrong.
But ladies and gentlemen,
I can now understand why he had the support of the people at the time
because this is madness.