Get Ready with Me: Pool Party Edition – Styling for Ali’s Bash

Get ready with me for my friend Ali’s pool party.
This is my first option,
and this is actually the option that Ali and my other friend
Stacy told me to wear.
This is actually the option that I am going to wear.
I’m gonna wear this. I don’t even know why I’m asking my friends,
cause I’m gonna wear what I want. I love this dress.
Gonna throw on some bracelets to make it cute.
I know she likes Taylor Swift,
and so do I. This is Freshney,
which is Ashley Tisdale’s perfume.
You just put some on the wrist.
I love to put some on the neck as well.
Smells so good. Wear a necklace, too.
The key to putting a necklace on is to do it backwards.
Voila. That is so cute.
Put some blush on a little.
Okay. This is so good.
It matches my dress, too.
Gonna do my eyebrows. Fill these in a little bit.
I’m so messy when it comes to my eyebrows,
but, like,
as long as you brush them out.
Exhibit A.
God, yeah.
A lot of sunglasses. I literally don’t know.
These green ones could be a vibe.
Mwah! Yes. Yes.
Okay, now I need a bag.
This is the bag. I got it in Hermosa Beach years ago.
My friend Teresa left these shoes in Croatia for me.
They weren’t for me, but she just left them there, so.
And this is my outfit. She said there’s gonna be ponchos there.
Like, show me your Mumu.
It’s. That’s the brand that’s sponsoring this party.
So I’m gonna get a poncho,
and I need to obviously put a bathing suit on underneath,
and I’m ready to go.