Floral Artistry: A Simple Guide to Creating Stunning Flower Arrangements

We’re gonna teach you how to arrange a simple flower arrangement. Groceries or flowers, go to the flower market, whatever you need. First, you need to get all of your supplies. So obviously you need flowers. Then pick your vessel. We’re going with just a simple blue Mason jar. I’d hide a little twine bow around it if you’re not using a skinny, tall vessel like this, you might wanna grab a flower frog. You can grab a cage one like this. That’s pretty big. Or you can grab a really spiky one. That’s if you’re ready to be a little bit more advanced. But if you’re not tape easy to do, you’ll just do the typical grid across the top. So you’ll take your tape. You can use flower tape. This is actually skinny painters tape because I don’t have any flower tape right now. So really whatever tape works best for you, and you’ll just make a tiny little grid. Also fill your vessel with water before you do this because it’ll be hard to fill it after you’ve got the grid going. And really, it’s just there to make sure your flowers have something to stand up on. So it’s pretty simple.

But I find if you’re doing flowers for the first time, it’s probably easier to have this as a guide. So you’ll just do that and you end up with a simple little cross section like that. We’re gonna start with our first level of flower. So you probably have heard fillers, thrillers. We’re gonna kind of follow the same thing, starting with our fillers. So we’ve just got some simple greens we got from the store. I am going to just cut the ends off. And you can use kitchen shears like these. You can use flower Scissors, whatever you want, whatever is easiest for you.

Now, the best way to do this is you just set a base for your other flowers and you wanna make sure they’re different heights. At any point, you can feel free to go back, change things, you know, it’s kind of an evolving process. So you just have to trust what’s going on and trust the process. So I’m gonna take these little things off just to make it a little bit easier to stick in the base. I’m gonna turn this around. So you wanna make sure you’re looking at all of the angles all the time. See, like this one, I should cut the ends off. So I’m gonna remove those flowers too. You don’t want those flowers sitting in the water because they’ll make your water gross. You have to change it sooner. It’s probably just easier to make sure they’re just like at the lip of your vessel. Feel like I need one or two more, maybe small guys in the front. And it’s really, again, just about trusting your own vision and what you want it to look like. It’s, there’s no right or wrong answer when it comes to flowers. Just whatever brings you joy. So that feels like a pretty good base.

You know, I’m gonna say it now, I might end up coming back and trimming this, but we’ll get to that when we come to it. Now I’m gonna do my thrillers, which we’ve got some renunculus, we’ve got some butterfly renunculus, we’re doing spring. So we did pink, some pink guys, some orange guys and some white guys. Alright, we’re gonna look for our prettiest one of these guys. Take him. I’m gonna cut him down some cuz again, these are pretty tall. They’re taller than we need be. Make sure that flowers off at the end. And the old adage of cutting at an angle, always do that. It’s better for your flowers. It makes sure they can soak up water. At least that’s what I was told. I’m gonna continue to believe that. And then, yeah, you just start sort of placing them, you know, wherever your heart desires. You want to make sure you’re, you have levels. See, I wanna make this a little bit shorter so I can take it out, trim it some. It’s not a big deal.

This is a very fluid arrangement. You do not have to be stressed out about making arrangements like this. I like to do them by color. So I set one base with one kind of flower and then go back in with other flowers. So I’m just gonna start with my pink ladies first and add some height. And you wanna make sure you’re doing the whole arrangement too, because if it’s on a table or anything like that, you wanna make sure that from all angles it looks nice. And that’s when you can sort of get these like little ditsier guys who like might be kind of wilted, but they make good sort of like bottom level flowers like that. And you just wanna like sort of line your vessel with it.

Okay, now see, I’ve got like kind of a blank spot here. So I could either add a pink flower, add a white flower, add an orange flower. I think for now I’m gonna maybe add one more tall pink flower and see how we feel after that. Okay, this one’s good. It’s pretty straight. So I’m gonna just make a long cut. I’m gonna stick it here just so it gets up into our sort of like leafy canopy and make sure that it looks nice. Okay, so there’s my first level.