Sunset Date with Unexpected Guests: A Hinge Encounter Story

I’m about to go meet someone from hinge.
I downloaded it like, a few days ago.
We’ve literally only spoke today.
I wasn’t actually gonna go cause he’s only here for two days,
but I was with my friend today
and she was like, you should just go.
Like, it might be fine,
you don’t know. She’s like,
just do it for the plot. And I was like, okay, fine.
So now I’m going to meet this guy for sunset,
so I’ll let you know how it goes.
They remind me of humans, so they kind of freak me out.
Good morning, guys.
I completely forgot to update you on the date yesterday.
So we went to watch the sunset,
and there were loads of monkeys around.
And the monkeys were kind of scaring me because, like,
twice they just, like,
ran up to us and, like,
wanted to, like,
attack us or something. And they just kind of freaked me out
cause they’re just, like,
so unpredictable, you know?
He was super lovely. There wasn’t, like,
a romantic connection. It didn’t really feel like a date.
And then two of his friends also ended up there,
so we went for dinner with them.
They wanted to go to this fish place,
and I really wanted to try this grilled fish,
so I decided to join them for dinner,
and it was super nice. Um,
I like meeting new people,
so, yeah,
we got along super well. And he was Easy to talk to,
but more of a friend vibe,
and I think he also felt that.
So yeah, that is the update.