Shopping and Beauty Favorites: A Day in Sephora with Tampa Vibes

Let’s go to Sephora. I’m gonna show you some of my faves.
And stock up. And it’s raining.
Welcome to Hyde Park Village, everybody.
I love Tampa! Go bolts!
Go, Bucks!
Oh, my god.
After you. I gotta open the door first
we get a basket.
Okay. Music’s kind of loud.
Come on, come on.
Come over here. Come over here.
Great. If you have little texture bumps. Adding to cart,
I’m in my car. I take them to the beach.
Skincare, refresh.
Let’s keep going. Keep going.
This is new. I want to try.
Maybe we’ll do a tester.
That’s pretty good. You want some?
Sorry about that, guys.
Close your eyes. Okay, though. Yeah,
it’s interesting now. Okay. Hmm.
What’s your favorite one? Like a neutral.
Me, too.
Very, very neutral.
I got, like,
a full face of makeup on the other day,
and I had nothing to put on my lips,
so just, like,
a little bit. Yeah.
This is what we’re going with. Bye. Thanks for shopping.