Broken by Daylight Book Tour: Early Release Event in the UK

do you want a chance to read broken by daylight early
well we are going on book tour in the UK and one of these stops is September 9th
which is a whole day early before release
but you can get a ticket that includes a copy of broken by Daylight
and then you’ll get it early
so let me show you where we’re going
our first stop is in Edinburgh on September 9th
and this Waterstones has a view of the castle
I went there last year and it is absolutely gorgeous
and we’re doing that with Mary Ann Gordon
and then we’re celebrating release day on September 10th with Chloe C
Panoranda at Glasgow and then we’re doing a signing at Newcastle
and then that night the last one September 11th
we’re gonna be in Leeds with Charlotte Bond
this will be my first time in so many of these cities
um so if you have any racks for like things to do or places to eat
we’ll have a very quick time then
but I still wanna check out as much as I can and I would love
love love to see you guys
so your ticket can include um
a copy of Broken by Daylight
or it can just be for like the Q&A and just like the event
um so please let me know if you are coming
and me and Elizabeth would love to see you guys
and we are so so excited for this