Charlene’s Come Dine With Me: A Winning Menu of Sophistication and Versatility

My name is Charlene. I’m between the ages of 25 and 47,
and it’s always been a passion for me to be on come dine with me.
So excited. And it also means
I don’t have to buy any shopping for my dinner this week.
So I really do believe I’ve got the winning menu.
Cooking has always been a passion of mine,
ever since I bought my first microwave.
It’s okay. Just cut the bullshit, right?
I might win this thing. So, everybody,
I’m scoring this. If the narrator says anything cheeky about me,
will you please tell me?
Don’t like that. Say it to my face.
For my menu, for my starter,
I wanted something that, you know,
a bit of sophistication for my starter,
a wee bit of cheese.
So I’m having delicately dunkers.
For my main. I wanted to show about versatility
and that I’m not just a cook from here for Scotland.
I can cook for cuisines all over the world.
And that’s why I’m making super noodles.
And I’m also offering either beef or chicken.
I prefer the chicken, personally.
Who can forget dessert? For my dessert,
which I personally think
there is not a dessert in this world that will beat this.
It’s a cigarette.
Can you beat it? Why do I think I’m gonna win this week?
I threatened everyone with violence.
I told them,
it’s gonna get real fucking nasty if I don’t walk away with that grand,
real fucking Nasty.
So I. I can only assume that they’re gonna give me a ten