Exploring Quantum Computing and AI with Cleo Abram and MKBHD

Cleo Abram and MKBHD. I’ve collaborated with Marquez a couple times.
One episode on quantum computing,
which was awesome. We got to go see IBM’s quantum computer.
It helps me better understand
why the heck people are talking about quantum computing
as a scary thing that’s gonna interrupt all encryption
and we have to get ready for it, etc, etc.
And also, somehow it’s gonna help scientific progress.
One of the answers to that question is that to model quantum dynamics,
it may or may not be helpful to have a quantum computer.
That’s one area people are really excited about.
So we went and we saw these quantum computers
that look like the craziest chandeliers you’ve ever seen in your life.
If there’s ever an old quantum computer that no one ever wants anymore,
I would love to hang it in my house.
Cleo Abram AI. I’m real.
I’m interested in AI. I think that there are lots of applications
that could make people’s lives better
and lots that I’m concerned about.
So, for example,
I did a story recently where I talked about alpha folds.
Alpha folds tries to better predict the shape of a protein
by its amino acid basis, which is important
because you can then create better medicines for people more quickly.
On the flip side, I talk a lot about AI
and the need to find the right balance between using it for good
and confining its worst applications.
For example, I made a Video for Vox
about deep fakes and the use of deep fakes on the internet.
I have made a video that I’m really proud of
that tries to explore how AI is being used in music
and what the implications might be for artists and musicians.