A Vision for Unity: The Path Forward After the Conventions

Conventions are about getting the people who already are on your side
energized and enthusiastic.
Right? This.
This is. This is the next two months going forward.
Do the work, stop complaining,
do the work. Right?
That’s what this was for them. But.
But I don’t think anybody is thinking that Kamala Harris and Tim Walz
will unite the country. This is the.
The group of people who felt isolated and kicked out.
A sense of America that did
that they weren’t included in from Trump and the Trump era.
This is not a,
we’re going to bring everybody and create a bigger table for everybody.
I actually think this was a sense of,
there are some people who will never be at our table with us,
but we’re gonna pound the one that we have
and we’re gonna do something with it.
There’s been a big discussion about civility
and who that helps in this country.
And civility has helped people who look and feel the same.
The. The steps in the hall say,
when we fight, we win.
They made jokes that sound like they are pointed and direct.
They are, you know,
winking and nodding,
but they are punching back in a way that is not mean spirited.
And that’s.
I think what people wanted to see coming out of this election
was that sense of, we’re.
We’re gonna bring at least a knife to this gunfight.