Tales from the Court: The Challenge of Facing Tall and Athletic Opponents

I remember me and Gabby were warming up down on our end
and like they ran out of their tunnel,
which was like where our hoop was warming up.
And I look at Gabby and I’m like,
they are so tall. Like that doesn’t even do it justice on the court.
Like from where you guys would sit or like see on TV,
like they are so tall and like so athletic.
Like at one point, I remember Kate tried to box out Cardosa,
who’s like a phenomenal player,
will be a top pick in the upcoming draft.
Like she’s really good. Kate’s boxing her out,
like textbook box out. She just reaches over,
Kate shoots it. Kate’s like still boxing out.
She has no idea. Yeah. Foul.
Can you call for a foul? Yeah,
I remember that. A foul and one,
cause Kate’s still boxing her out and like nailing her legs.
But like it wasn’t an over the back.
She’s just flat out taller than Kate.
Like nothing you can do. No,
no. Kate looks at me,
she’s like, and I’m like,
I just start laughing in the middle of the game.
I’m like, I don’t know, man.
Like I lost my voice at your guys too.
I’m like, there’s like,
I’m like, there’s nothing you can do there.
Like you tried. Yeah,
textbook box out. You’re just too short. Yeah.