Unveiling Greedflation: The Fight for Affordability and Diaper Prices

Here’s a real.
Here’s a real question moms asked me in Pennsylvania.
What? What am I supposed to do if I can’t afford diapers?
In just six months, a box of diapers went up $15.
The corporation say your prices are up only because their costs are up.
They’re selling you a lie.
It’s in the bag with the diapers.
Prices are up because these corporations are scheming to drive them up.
Most companies are good companies.
It’s the food conglomerates that sit behind the supermarkets,
the faceless wholesalers.
They’re the ones who are extorting families at the check out counter.
This is greedflation. I’ve been fighting it a long time.
So is Kamala Harris. And finally, we’re starting to win.