Behind the Scenes at Lily Ann Cabinets: Roles, Trends, and Surprising Responsibilities

Hey, Johnny. Hi.
What do you do here at Lily Ann Cabinets?
I am a sales representative and a design specialist.
Awesome. And since you design kitchens,
what color is the most popular?
Well, I would say white has been a forefront, um,
and a dominator over the last 10 years.
But in 2024, those warm,
natural earth colors are coming back.
And I would say Lily green is definitely the top of that list,
as well as Craftsman Shaker natural.
Awesome. Thank you.
My pleasure.
Hello, Josh.
Hello. What do you do at Lily and cabinet?
Um, the granite fabricator installer.
Everything to do with the countertop part of the business.
Awesome. And what is one color that you hear is super popular right now
for countertop? White on white on white.
Awesome. Everything white.
Thank you.
Hi, Bobby. Hi.
What do you do here at Lily Ann Cabinets?
I am the woodshop carpenter.
And what is the most common customization that you do over here?
The most common is probably the wall kits.
Decreasing the size of the base cabinet
or increasing the size of the wall cabinet.
Awesome. Thank you. Yep.
Hi, Nick.
Hi. What do you do here at Lily Ann Cabinets?
I am the replacements warehouse coordinator here.
Awesome. And what do you like about your job here at Lily Ann Cabinets?
Well, there’s really one big thing I like about this place
is they actually let me bring my dog to work.
So that’s Pretty cool. Awesome.
Hello, Jan. Hi.
What do you do here at Lily Ann Cabinets? Replacements.
Awesome. And what’s a fun fact about your job?
I get to feed all the puppies that come to
that belong to the people that work here.
Awesome. Thank you.
Hi, Weibo.
Hey, Lily.
What do you do here at Lily Ann Cabinets?
So I work on the website, the warehouse,
and everything
which is related to technology for the Lily Ann’s business.
I handle those kind of things.
And what’s one thing that people wouldn’t think you do for your job?
I do sometimes take customer calls to the sales as well.
So that’s one thing, probably no one
things I’m doing over here.
Awesome. So you do it all?
Yep. Everything.
Thank you. Thank you.