Embracing the Weirdness: Unveiling the Insidious Normalcy Defined by Conservatives

These guys are just weird.
That’s what they are. So it ain’t.
It ain’t much out. Don’t give them the power.
It’s been fascinating to me
watch conservatives attempt to spin this back on the left,
right to retaliate and say,
we’re not weird. You’re the weird ones.
And they’ll post someone living their life in a non normative way.
The thing is, that’s not an insult,
because we know we’re weird.
That’s. That’s kind of our thing.
In fact, I’d say in many ways,
we embrace being weird.
Right? You can’t insult a fish by calling it wet.
But the reason it gets under their skin so badly
is because their entire brand
is based on what they decided should be normal.
It just happens that their definition of normal,
it’s. It’s really fucking weird.
But not like a silly, creative,
fun, unique,
alternative kind of weird.
More like
in the way that people cover their drink when you’re around weird.
You know, bad weird.