Police Tactics Exposed: The Tricks Used to Gather Evidence Against Suspects

Tricks that all police use to get evidence against you.
First of all, police can,
of course, pretend they’re not in the police to catch a criminal.
For instance, they may sit down next to a suspected drug dealer
and try and buy something off them.
Now, the guy will probably say, well,
are you a cop? Which they’ll respond, no,
because if I was, I would legally have to tell you, which, yeah,
they do. Here’s the thing,
they don’t. Next up in the interrogation process,
this is where all the magic happens.
You’ve got passive and aggressive,
two types of interrogation.
Now, with the passive approach,
they’re actually gonna be really nice to you.
To start with, I’m gonna say,
we know you didn’t do it. You know,
just. Just help us find who did. Please.
We can give you a deal.
We can get you no prison time as long as you just help us out.
Guess what? You know,
ain’t getting any of that, mate.
On the aggressive side, though,
is the complete polar opposite.
Even if you haven’t done the crime and they have no evidence on you,
they’re gonna shout at you saying,
we know you’ve done it. We know you did this
to try and get you to actually confess.
And finally, a big one,
you’ve probably all wondered,
why do police tap the rear lights
or the back of a car when coming up to you?
First of all, it’s to basically Startle the person in the car
so that if you’re trying to hide something,
you’re gonna frantically panic to try and hide it
cause someone’s there. And second of all,
it’s to leave the fingerprint on the car
and to basically be able to track it.