The French Open Encounter: A Tale of Unexpected Alliances and Marvelous Connections

I said to myself, worst case scenario,
I’m gonna have a great story
of how Serena Williams
invited me out to see a match at the French Open
and then totally ignored me.
I did blow him off for a few days cause I was like,
this guy is weird, coming all the way to Paris.
Eventually she came around cause I was like, look,
let me take you out to dinner.
And she’s like, okay,
but I’m gonna bring my agent and my assistant.
It was like two hours of interrogation and questions.
Do I have kids? Am I married?
Um. All this like, every.
Like, nothing was off limits
during dinner.
He started talking like about Iron Man and stuff and Marvel
and I’m. That’s how you.
That’s the way to my heart.
Like, this wasn’t just a superficial, like, hey,
I’ve watched a few movies.
This is like, I have deeply studied the text
and I have strong opinions about this lore.
I mean, it was so fascinating because they both love the same things.
Like, he was into SCI fi and cartoons and superheroes.
I’m like,
she finally can talk to someone who likes the things that she does.
And I guess I passed the test.
So that the next day I texted her and I was like,
last night was fun, but I’m gonna pick you up,
we’re gonna spend the day together in Paris,
and it’s just gonna be us.