From Desert Solitude to Divine Encounter: The Transformation of Moses

So he’s been something like 14,000 different mornings
looking out at the same Vista.
He’s been 40 years in the desert,
serving another man’s dream.
The King James Version of the Bible calls it
the backside of the desert.
I am obsessed with the story of Moses.
He’s been a prince in Egypt.
He knows something of the anointing of god.
And now he’s nowhere, but he’s built a comfortable life for himself.
And then after 14,000 mornings of looking out,
he sees something different.
And he sees a bush that’s burning,
and it’s not burning up. And he goes
and he encounters god.
I wonder if the most important moment of that story
is not the bush that burns and doesn’t burn,
but the fact that god tells Moses to take his shoes off.
And I think it’s a very practical thing.
I think it’s because
how far and fast can you move in the desert if you have no shoes on?
Not very far, not very fast.
And so I think that God is wanting to say,
I want you to be present to my presence.
I want you to observe and be aware of what I’m saying to you.
I want you to be still. Because until you’re still,
you can’t know me. And if you can’t know me,
then we can’t work together in the way I want us to work together.
It’s why I think when, uh,
David starts writing the Psalms in Psalm 46.
He says, be still and know that I am god.
What if you can’t know that he’s God unless you learn to be still?
And what if that is one of the most offensive statements
for our contemporary world
and our contemporary society,
where everything is always on,
where we’re always public,
where we’re always performing,
where we’re always thinking and we’re always achieving
and we’re always having to do something?
Can we truly know god in.
In all that stuff and all that suffocating stuff?
Learning to be still,
learning to hear, learning to listen,
learning to process with god,
the things of god
might well be the force multiplier in serving the purposes of god.
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