Title: Finding Faith and Purpose in the Face of Uncertainty

So I go to spring training,
and literally, Linny,
my coach on the team, told me,
he said, hey,
if you make it to spring training,
pack your bags real light,
because you’re gonna be released any day.
So I’m like, thanks.
So I’m. I’ll never forget,
had a suitcase with, you know,
a sport coat, five colored shirts,
a pair of jeans, and a pair of khakis.
And when I would go through them all in spring training,
I’d wash them, fold them up,
put them right back in my suitcase,
cause I’m like, going home any day this.
My career is over. But I had a freedom lining.
Every day I just sit kind of, like,
over here in my office to this way.
I just sit in prayer, and I just ask the Lord,
Lord, give me the Grace to sit on the back seat and find comfort
knowing that you are going to guide me where you want me
and give me the. The grit,
um, the.
The idea that Christ suffered for me,
and there was a redemptive suffering aspect to Christ.
Redemption on the cross, of saving humanity,
that I could find. I could find solace in redemptive suffering.
If you want me to sit on the back seat and catch seven bullpens today,
I’m gonna find joy in it, because I know I’m doing it for Christ.