Bitcoin: Early Adopting Technology and Future Store of Value

I don’t make much of it right now.
I know the big gold bugs are saying bitcoin hasn’t moved in two years
and gold has gone up about 30%.
So therefore it’s a better store of value than bitcoin.
I’ve always maintained, uh,
when speaking to you guys.
I don’t see Bitcoin as a store of value today.
I still see it as an early adopting technology.
Could it be a store of value if there’s over a billion wallet?
Sure, we could look at it that way.
Is it a future store of value?
Yes. Um,
but I just think that you’ve had a lot of things going on with.
With Bitcoin, uh,
as it relates to the regulatory headwinds.
The grimace coin thing is not something I’m a fan of.
Have to totally understand why the S C C.
Wouldn’t like that. I just want those types of things,
not the cloud. Uh,
some of the great things that are happening in the industry,
you know, there’s,
there’s payments and rail systems on bitcoin
and other layer 1 technologies that will advance our economies.
You know, if we’re spending 6
7 trillion dollars a year on transactions
and verification of transactions,
this could reduce those costs
the same way we’ve reduced a lot of telecom cost
and improved innovation and efficiencies in the economies.