Eternal Hope: Kamala Harris’s Historic Moment Through the Eyes of a Generation

This is the one.
This is the photo.
Take a look.
I mean, a picture is worth a thousand words.
This one’s worth a million.
Kamala Harris’s great niece
watching her aunt
accept the democratic ticket to (*run for*) president of the United States,
only 104 years after women even got the power and right to vote.
And it really does just got that kick to it,
that little glimpse of a thing that we all like to call hope.
Hope that we won’t regress back to those times.
A hope that we can see the presidency as a woman job.
And as Michelle Obama said,
a black job. I don’t know about y’all,
but I haven’t felt that in a long time.
And like Ruby Bridges said on her IG. Yes,
the real Ruby Bridges IG. Rose a set so Ruby could walk,
so Kamala could run, so she has the chance to fly.
Yeah. You know what?
Let me go find that USA shirt
that’s been hidden in the closet for years.