Sparkling Zero Producer Rant: The Truth About Character Select Screens in Anime and Manga Projects

We’ve got a sparking zero producer
saying that the character select screen
will not change from what we saw in the demo.
Actually, what they said was it won’t be much different.
This is the full on character select screen,
and this is the character select screen
with the characters right there.
Why the fuck are y’all complaining? Seriously?
Seriously, why are y’all complaining?
Cause I’m about to crash the fuck out again. Why?
Why do we do this with like,
every big project, every big manga,
every big anime?
Y’all find one tiny little ass detail to complain about
and let it ruin the entire hype of the project.
I’ve been waiting,
my ass has been waiting since I was in like the 3rd grade for this.
This shit. Bro,
BT three came out how long ago?
15 years ago? I’ve been waiting for 15 years for this shit,
and y’all are gonna complain about the character select screen,
which looks fine. It literally looks fine.
I like the characters up here
in the fact that it just takes this off and go straight into battle.
This shit could look a little better. Whatever.
And it could absolutely have the characters compacted like in BT three.
One, you have to click on like,
Goku mid, then you click on it
and the Super Saiyan form comes up after that,
which is whatever. But dude,
if this is gonna let you ruin the hype,
then you need to shut the Fuck up.
If you have been waiting for this game for 15 years,
this will not let it ruin the hype for you.
It’s a character selection screen.
It literally looks like some of the best combat we’ve gotten in like,
fighting game history, especially this style of fighting game history.
And you dudes are gonna turn around and whine and cry about this
and be like, oh,
it looks terrible. This ruined the hype for the game for me.
Grow up. I don’t understand the anime community dude.
Yo, all that one tiny detail ruin an entire experience for you?
Go touch grass anyway.
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You’re fucking there. Let’s go!