The Game of Strategy: Analyzing Gameplay and Alliances in the House

She won, and
I was really hoping the house was gonna have the guts
to keep Brooklyn in the house
and send Cam out the door.
And you know why? Because Cam ain’t even playing to win.
He’s just a dead weight body in the house.
And unfortunately, I don’t have nothing to get you personally, Cam,
but you ain’t playing the game.
You didn’t ask nobody to keep you.
You ain’t helping conversations, nobody.
You just sucking up to Tucker.
At least Brooklyn was playing to win.
Oh, Lord,
this is hideous right here.
I don’t get these guys at all.
Let’s see what’s getting ready to happen.
I want to see what’s getting ready to happen, but I’m irritated.
Yeah, I, I,
I have to give it to Chelsea,
because Chelsea has played true to her game from the beginning.
She stayed with her, her,
her alliance with Cedric. She stayed with her alliance with Brooklyn.
So she hasn’t said, well,
I can’t do what the rest of the house is doing, so I’m a vote.