Behind the Scenes of an Indie Romance Author’s Busy Day

A day in the life of an indie romance author.
First off, my house is always full of books.
This is my discreet series.
These are what they typically look like.
I’ve written over 50, and yes,
they are spicy and some are dark.
It’s my most popular.
The discreet series are the couple names in the front,
nothing on the back. And they sell really well.
Today I’m signing two boxes of damaged copies,
which I also sell on my website.
The discreet series, like I said,
has the couple’s name on the front,
and inside is the title and the blurb.
I only got two books signed before Charlie’s arch nemesis,
the mailman, arrived.
Charlie might not like him,
but I love the mailman. Let’s see what we got first, though.
I really need some more coffee.
And check out my makeshift desk.
What do you think? Okay,
so these are stupid cute. They’re vellum inserts.
They fit inside the books for my small town romance series.
Ooh, these ones are sexy, though.
These go into the decadent editions
for the Kickstarter that’s currently ongoing.
They’re gold foil and sprayed edges,
and there are seven total.
These are for seasonal book boxes. This is for the Patreon.