Soul’s Light vs. Souls-Like: Exploring the Similarities in Gaming Experiences

Now, on what the difference between a soul’s. Like,
a soul’s light and a regular.
So I’ve been streaming this game,
and people been asking me my thoughts on this,
and here’s the thing.
Um, I kind of agree with the creator of this post,
but I have an asterisk on that.
So it’s not a Soulsborne game.
It’s. It’s definitely not that.
But I would say that it’s very souls like
in the fact that it has a lot of things
that you would find in a Soulsborne game
without being a Soulsborne game.
And I don’t really differentiate between Souls Light and souls like,
because honestly, that’s really nitpicking at that point.
But just like a Soulsborne game,
it has bonfires where you save and replenish your healing potions,
or in this case, a.
A gourd. Um,
and it also resets enemies once you go ahead and you use that campfire
or save mechanic. And as far as the comment where he says, oh,
you can just go ahead and just wail on the bosses. No,
if you do that, you’re gonna have a hard time,
you’re gonna die repeatedly,
and you’re gonna get frustrated.
You do have to at least somewhat pay attention to some of the patterns
and dodge at right moments.
And just like Soulsborne games,
upgrades are typically done at the resting point or the campfire,
whatever you want to call it.
And while you can upgrade your skill tree wherever you want
in This game to do certain things,
such as using what I’m just gonna call summons.
Using those you have to upgrade at the resting point,
just like a Soulsborne game would.
But yes, because it is lacking the death
and then have to retrieve your souls mechanic.
It’s not a Soulsborne game,
but I would say that has a lot of souls like elements within it,
more so than a typical action game would.
I wouldn’t put this in a category of just straight up action game,
because that’s not what it is either.
Because there is quite a bit of grinding to be done
and learning to be done when you’re playing through this game.
Just an average player has an easier time than a Soulsborne game would.
But at the same time,
they still have to be able to learn certain mechanics in this game
to progress, uh,
far enough to actually, you know,
finish the game.
That’s my two cents on it anyways.
I would consider it a souls like,
cause again,
I don’t really differentiate between souls like and Souls Light,
because to me that’s just nitpicking at that point
and I don’t think it’s necessary.
But whatever you call it, it’s a fun game.
I. I’m thoroughly enjoying it.
And for me this is as close to a soul’s like that I’m gonna get
that I’m actually enjoying.