Fragrance Review: John Paul Gaultier’s The Mall Elixir

Yo, what’s up, boys?
we’re gonna be talking about John Paul Gaultier’s the Mall Elixir.
Proud to say that I finally got this fragrance
after about a year of wanting it,
and it lives up to par. Dude,
I know a lot of people say it’s NPC. Oh,
it’s overrated. It’s really not.
It lives up to the excitement.
Um, it’s more masculine leaning.
Um, me personally,
I like the sweeter, fruitier fragrances that lean more feminine, but, um,
it’s an insanely good fragrance. Guys.
This is a sweet, honey,
spicy tobacco scent. It is very unique.
Um, you won’t really smell this,
even though people are hyping it up so much.
You won’t smell it in public.
Trust me. Just got this from Macy’s because they had a deal going on.
Shout out to my mom for getting an Easter present early Easter.
So that’s a W. So, um,
hold on, guys. I