Unconventional Mirror Strategies Unveiled: A Pro Play Breakdown

Pro players used these three weird mirror strats in comp.
Let me explain them to you.
So there was one on bank clubhouse as well as chalet.
I’m gonna show all three, but the one on bank is this one right here.
So what they did at the recent event was they had a mirror like this
and then they just shot it open.
Now if you’ve seen this in your ranking,
probably like what the hell is this?
But the reasoning they did this is cause think about it,
they wanna get this main wall open.
This is like what the attackers wanna do.
So when you place a mirror here,
you can’t thermite this, meaning you cannot get the entire wall open.
And you would have to ace or Habana of this.
But you’re not gonna have on of this,
cause you need to have on of the hatches.
And even if you try to have on it,
it will be really weird due to the mirror.
And if you go to thermite it,
your whole body is exposed cause the mirror is open.
And if you ace it, even if you do ace this part and this part,
you have to waste more aces
and the whole wall is not even opened up.
So it makes it a lot easier for the defenders to play off this.
Shoot somebody if they decide to go and thermite it.
As well as impact trick it by throwing an impact Right here
if they do ace it. So when played correctly,
this is a fire mirror strap.
Now this next one we saw was something that D Z did against G2
where they had the mirror on this wall right here.
They wouldn’t break it until people came up here,
but once people got close they would shoot this off.
And what would this do?
This would make it super hard to actually thermite the wall
cause they’d usually ban Maverick.
So if they want to be able to sprint right in
without having to vault over
while having a big hole, they would bring a thermite.
But if they go to bring a thermite,
this would allow you to impact trick it.
Cause if you guys don’t know,
you can throw an impact like right here
and it has an area of explosion effect
where it will destroy stuff around it.
So they can impact trick it from here?
They can impact trick it from here?
They can impact trick it from back here,
as to make it really hard for them to actually get the wall.
They would even if they were to crouch it,
it can still get hit by the impact trick.
So overall this did work.
Now I would not recommend doing this in ranked.
Please do not do this in my rank games.
But this was a mirror shot that worked.
another shot that was used in pro league was the same type Of thing,
except it was on chalet on this main wall.
Cause you gotta think about it.
It’s almost impossible to keep this wall closed
because they can just go from below and get the bandits are kade off.
They can bring an EMP, they can do a lot.
So what you can do is
you can kind of sit here and sit on the half wall,
sit inside here and throw it through the head holes.
You can impact trick this mirror.
So that way if they do go for a crouched mirror,
it will get hit. If they do go for an ace,
you can try and hit the ace off.
But if they do get an ace open,
it can open up uneven.
So it made it really hard for them to get the thermite on this wall.
Cause if you place it right here,
you can still get impacted from right here.
And same if you place it right here.
it made it really hard to try and even go for a thermite on this wall.
They also had somebody playing here with a shield.
So they.
They were able to contest the open mirror from the shield right here.
Like you know, people place like a shield right here.
They were just playing off the shield onto that open mirror.
So it made it really hard.
It’s not a terrible Strat either.
This one you can definitely do in ranked more than the other. Ones.
But this one’s pretty fire, too.
Let me know if you guys have ever done this open mirror
impact trick thing ever.
But I will see y’all. Much love. Peace.